Monday, 11 March 2013

Traveling tips?

Or "travelling" if you're from the UK. Either way- I need tips! Freddie and I are going to be making our way to Seattle in a week and a half. We are flying first from Edinburgh to Newark, New Jersey, and will have a 4 hour layover there before continuing on to Seattle. The first flight is around 7 and a half hours I think and the second is about 6 (I think- after a few hours you just try to blur out the rest).

I know some of you have flown with babies before and I'd like all the advice, suggestions and tips I can get. The two of us flew to Seattle last year when Freddie was 3 and a half months old and it went very well- he was a dream despite the fact that the airline broke our stroller and I had to spend our 3-hour layover carrying him (on me in the ergo), a backpack and pushing the broken stroller around. I was a sweaty mess to say the least. Freddie didn't seem to notice- he slept a lot of the way and when he was awake, he spent that time smiling and staring at everyone. 

He only drank milk, slept in the plane's bassinet and enjoyed going to the bathroom to lay on the mini-changing table and stare at the fluorescent lights. Now he's 10 months old, eats three meals a day and hates getting his diaper changed. Not to mention I'm skeptical he'll even fit in the bassinet! Anyway, no matter how crazy the trip there is, we can't wait to see our friends and family in Seattle, Kenmore, Vancouver and Portland. Freddie's been wearing his stars and stripes in preparation.

Seriously- if you have any advice, leave me a comment!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. HAHAHA, there's no way he'll fit in the bassinet! Will he?

    1. No, I don't think so. I'm certainly going to give it a try though!

  2. Maybe you could modify some of these ideas to be more age appropriate?

    I would also bring lots of stickers (and maybe something to stick them to?). That is an activity that my little one likes--anything that's not a toy :) Books he likes or maybe search your local stores for a quiet book. You can order one online too and probably express ship it so it gets to you before you leave. Also, teething toys are always popular (or anything he can chew on) lots of snacks and maybe some pain meds in case his teeth are still bothering him or the flight hurts his ears--which could be more sensitive if he's teething.

    My advice would be, whatever you decide to bring, keep it simple and easy. You don't want to feel overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to organize, carry, and keep track of in addition to Freddie. Good luck and have a great trip!

    1. Thanks Jenny! Stickers are a great idea- we haven't played with those before. And thanks for the reminder for the pain meds- I had that in the back of my mind to bring but had forgotten already. :)

  3. How did I miss this post??!!! So excited for you guys to get here. I have no advice except that it will happen and then it will be over and you will be here =)

  4. I think the key to traveling with little ones is YOU being able to go with the flow and remain relaxed. Don't worry about the people around you, just do what you know is best for Freddie and take care of him. I always pack lots of snacks and a variety of them so that you can always pull something different out if another one isn't working. You will do great! And it will all be worth it when you touch down in Seattle :)Nicole

    1. Great advice- thanks Nicole! I can tell you've done this before. :) Definitely gonna try to stay relaxed and go with the flow. I'm sure there will be a lot of laughs along the way too. Glad to see you're doing so well!

  5. I can't wait for you to be here! Nyquil? jk, I just know that worked for me! maybe you could sing "five little speckled frogs". It's going to be wonderful to have you both in Ktown. Miss you!


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