Friday, 27 February 2015

Photo of the week - Freddie in Els's jammies

I came into the kids' room yesterday and found Freddie trying to squeeeeeeze himself into one of Elsie's fleece pyjamas. This photo was taken during his proud-of-himself moment (for getting his arms in) but right before he started sobbing because he couldn't also get his legs in. 

Love to see him dressing himself! He can now, usually, get his boxers, trousers, socks and boots on all by himself. He's still working on the shirts and sweaters. Way to go Fred! 

We also had a good laugh about an hour later when I then tried to get his fireman's coat on and it got stuck on my arms so bad I almost called William to come home from work to get me out (my arms were starting to lose feeling!). Sigh. 

Monday, 16 February 2015

A new adventure...

It's the end of an era! After almost ten years living in Edinburgh, I am heading back to the good ol' USA in April. 

I arrived in this beautiful city in 2005  a fresh-faced 22-year-old whose biggest worry was understanding her Scottish professors. I thoroughly enjoyed my Master's degree, working in several different labs and transitioning from science to children and freelance writing. 

I've fully embraced life here (I even got a British drivers license after all) and really love the laid-back, international feel of Edinburgh. The architecture (everything and I mean everything looks like a castle), the accents and, above all, the people make it really hard to leave. 

To all my friends here — THANK YOU! You have been like family to me. You really have. Please know you have an open invitation to visit us in Seattle any time you can (well, maybe wait a few months until we are moved out of my parent's house!). 

To all my friends in Seattle — sorry for being a beast about keeping in touch! Can we be friends again? If you're reading this, then there's a chance. I'm still fairly cool, just with more squinty eye wrinkles and a huge dependence on tea.

Some of the many memories:

Halloween 2010. No caption needed really. Wow. 
March 2012. The top of Arthur's Seat (7 mths pregnant).

June 2010. The Edinburgh half marathon.

2006. Snagged myself a trendy Irish bf.

August 2010. Francie visiting for the Fringe!

December 2010. Making snowmen on our lunch break. 
May 2012. Baby Freddie. 
December 2014. Elsie and Santa at Dad's Rock.

June 2011. Breakthrough lab. 
November 2014. On the way to the City Chambers!
2008. Sistahs out on the town.

October 2014. Quite a different Halloween than in the pic above!
December 2013. With Freddie's friend Rhea in Holyrood Park.

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