Friday, 7 December 2012

Photo of the week- Freddie lounging

Freddie loungin' on our new couch. We had somewhat of a rough night last night (I think Freddie's getting a new tooth!) so today was a day for the PJ's and couch.

I joined him for a snuggle and we put our feet up together. After almost 2 months with nothing to sit on, we really appreciate now having a couch and recliner.

Someone, who shall remain nameless, thought the recliner option was a bit overkill but I insisted. There's nothing like having the ability to lean back and put your pegs on something. And- it saves us room in the end because we don't have to get a footrest or coffee table. Fine- you got it out of me- it was William! He thought I was ridiculous going for something other than just a standard armchair but now he loves it just as much as I do. (I won't say "I told you so" I won't say "I told you so" I won't say "I told you so")


  1. Aw, he's lounging. What a cool dude. Nothing like footie pjs.


    1. I know- wish I had a pair! Congrats on the pregnancy- that's very exciting!!


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